“ TEXAS DIVISION UDC® 7TH AND 8TH GRADE ESSAY CONTEST 2014-2015: Our First Christmas Without Father " referenced an essay contest held by the United Daughters of the Confederacy for middle schoolers. The topic prompted students to imagine fathers fighting in the civil war and to "describe your Christmas on the plantation or wherever you may live. Include information on the preparation, the day, and the emotions." Although I was ineligible (applicants must show proof of confederacy lineage and a photograph), I responded to the essay.
I toned 4FT by 5FT sheets with watered red clay to reference land. I dipped braiding hair in ink and wrote, "My brothers and fathers fight alongside you. "It's for righteousness' you say." It isn't right to take away one's property!' you angrily shout. I look down at my hands; they are covered in scars and calluses, and they are oh so mistakenly brown. The only white I see are the dry patches covering the crevices between each finger. So this is what makes us different." on the paper.